Tuesday, May 22, 2007

45 days and counting

Can hardly believe it - 45 days and we'll be in London England. It's probably more like 46 since we'll spend one day travelling. I think the 3 of us are getting close to organized. I was in Red Deer for part of the weekend and bought a couple of pairs of pants. Mom was in Red Deer on Friday and I think finished of her clothes shopping. I am still trying to find stuff that I brought on the last trip, that we'll need for this one. Sewing Kit, Laundry Line, wallet and I'm sure tonnes of other stuff that I haven't even thought of yet. I've started a 'pile' in my suitcase of stuff I need to bring. Went out and bought stuff for our first aid kit last weekend. Giant bottle of ibuprofen, bandaids, polysporin, nyquil, sunscreen etc. Hopefully we won't need any of it, but you never know.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Pre - 18 days in July

Here we are the 3 amigos at Thanksgiving of 2006. The trip was still a thought then. One we had been planning - well, let's be honest, thinking about and saving for, for the last 3 years. We actually booked the trip in December of 2006. It is very hard to believe that in less than 2 months we will be on our way to London. We spent the weekend trying to plan what we are going to see when. I know, we are taking a guided tour, but we don't want to miss anything. So anytime our tour book says we have free time we are trying to figure out what we can possibly see. I'm sure we are the only ones planning so hard for a guided tour. I'm sure we'll be the "annoying Canadians" on the tour, but who cares. Diane even bought us all t-shirts that are red, with white lettering across the chest, that says "Europe 2007". When we return, we intend to make it like a concert shirt with a list of all the cities we visited. Should be hoot. So that's the first entry on the blog. I'm hoping I'll be able to keep on top of it in Europe, otherwise it'll be mass emails. That's all for now