Sunday, July 1, 2007

FIVE days left!

I can hardly believe there are only 5 days til we leave. This time next week, we'll have seen Stonehenge, Avebury and Old Sarum! It's SO exciting.

We are all madly trying to pack and think of all those last minute items. Mom and I are trying to pack and get organzied today, as we are driving to Saskatoon on Monday. My mom's Uncle Stu passed away last Wednesday - he was my Great Uncle. So we are heading up for the funeral, which is on Tuesday. I'll have to leave right afterwards or early Wednesday morning, as I have an appointment Wednesday afternoon, that I can't miss. Then all we'll have is Thursday, before we leave. So basically we have to get everything done today. My washing machine is going and my living room is covered in stuff. Diane is in the middle of a move. She got a job in her hometown, so is trying to pack for the move and the trip. I know it'll all get done, but doesn't seem like it right now.

The big day is almost here, after 3 years of talking about it and saving for it! It's hard to believe it's really going to happen.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Ms. Fingler!!!

Have a splendid travels and happy tea drinking to you...have a Creme Brulee for me in Paris!!!!!!!
