Thursday, July 5, 2007

T Minus 31 hours

Holy Crap! 31 hours and we'll be in the air. Hard to believe it's actually going to happen. I know I keep saying that, but it's been 3 years in the planning. I don't think I really thought we'd end up going. So I'm really amazed that it's going to happen. Have a few last minute things to pick up at Wal-Mart. Have to make my place look presentable, so I don't have too much to do when I get home. Bathrooms and Kitchen are pretty much ready to go, just have to tidy up the living room. It's basically covered in trip stuff at the moment, so shouldn't take too long.
Mom, Diane and I are meeting at the airport around 12-12:30. We are going to wear our Europe shirts on the plane. I figure if Diane went to all the trouble to buy them, we should at least wear them.
Anyway, it's 0900, I've been up since 0530. Have to head to the store, have a nap, water Dana's plants, do a bit of laundry and pick up the place. Should keep me busy for the rest of the day.

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