Friday, July 13, 2007

We Are in Europe

Wish I could have written sooner, but it has been a CRAZY week. We made it to London safe and somewhat sound. The flight from Vancouver to London SUCKED, but I will talk about that another day. We managed to see Stone Henge, Avebury, Salisbury Cathedral, Old Sarum. While on this part of our tour, we even managed to see an honest to goodness CROP CIRCLE - Diane has photographic evidence! We also saw Tower of London, Tower Bridge, St. Pauls Cathedral (which Diane and I hiked to the top of), Westminster Abbey and Cathedral and also managed to sneek in a play, the Lion King. By then, we havent even started our tour yet and we were exhausted. We met up with our tour on the Tuesday morning. We had to be up at 5AM! It was a LONG day! We drove to Paris, via Dover and saw the White Cliffs. We took the boat across to Calais - it's an 85 minute crossing - and I didn't get sea sick - even better! We made it to Paris around supper time and checked into our hotel. That night we went on a Boat Cruise of the River Seine, saw the Eiffel Tower light up and went to the Arc de Triumphe. We fell into an exhausted sleep. The next morning we were off again. This time a bus tour of Paris, covering the highlights, with a local guide, Luxembourg Gardens (this wasn't that impressive though - think is was just for the Americans as it had a mini Statue of Liberty in it). Once the bus tour was over, some of us went out the the Palace of Versaille. Amazing is bascially all I can say about it - no wonder there was a revolution! Once done at the palace, we headed back to the hotel, to supposedly rest before our night out. Diane and I, as well as a few others ( mom was too exhausted), headed on the Metro for the Louvre! We didn't want to miss our appointment with Mona. We raced over there and had about 1.5 hours there. We also saw Venus de Milo, Crowning of Napoleon, Le Deluge and some other amazing works. It is said that if you spent 1 mintue at each work of art, 24 hours per day it would take you 3 months to see every work of art in the Museum!Around 6pm our bus picked us outside to head to the evenings entertainment. We were going to a Cabaret. Diane Mom and I were a bit skeptical about the whole thing. Turns out it was a great night out!
We are now in Geneva (here for 2 nights) and have a free evening - thankfully because we are all exhausted. Mom so far has managed to avoid poisoning and I am feeling pretty well most days. Diane is eating all the food we can't and tells us it's amazing. The tour guide is pretty and so far we seem to have a pretty good group to travel with.
HopefullyI'll be updating again soon.

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