Friday, July 6, 2007

T Minus 6.5 Hours and Counting

This will be the last entry before taking off for Europe. It's 0930 right now and I've been up since 0630h. Partly due to excitement, but mostly due to the fact it was hotter than a snakes ass in a wagon rut last night! Yuck! Anyway, I think I'm packed. I'm going to go over everything once more before I leave. The most important things I need, credit card, money, bank card, passport and ticket. After that if I've forgotten anything, I can just buy it over there.
Mom is already on the road. Sonja and her Mom are meeting her in Red Deer. Mom is going to park her car at Ann and Blairs. Then they are going to pick up Diane around 1015h, take keys back to Ann and Blairs and be on the road. Heidi is picking me up at noon, so I'll be meeting them there around 1230h. It's all so exciting!
Our flight doesn't leave until 1610h to Vancouver and then we have a 4 hour layover before our flight to London. I checked us in last night via the internet. So I already have our boarding passes for both flights.
Sunday morning we have to be up bright and early, as we are doing the Stones and Bones tour that day. We will get to see Old Sarum, Stonehenge, Salisbury Cathedral and Avebury! Should be a lot of fun and the weather is supposed to cooperate.
The next few days are going to be long and exhausting, but a lot of fun!

1 comment:

Geoff said...

C'mon -- you've been there almost a week! What's happening?? ;)